Sunday, June 10, 2007

final one

Food in the human society has been through a roller coaster. It started as a necessity and then it has ended up where it is today as fuel for the body. When civilization started humans hunted for food so they could survive and live. There was no supermarket to go to so humans could pick what they wanted to eat for dinner that night. They left their camps for a few hours a day to hunt and get food for each of there families. These humans were called hunter-gatherers they went out hunting for their food and gathered it to stockpile and use when hungry and necessary.
The second way of making and getting food is agriculture and this way of getting food is by planting seed to make food. There is one very basic way of making food out of seeds. This would be called sprouting. What you do is take any kind of seeds such as chickpea’s, sunflower seeds and broccoli seeds. Then you take your seed and you put them in a clean jar that does not have any smell because of there is a smell then your sprouts will have the taste of the smell of your jar ( jar smells like tomato sauce, your sprouts will taste like tomato sauce). Once you have a good amount of sprouts in your jar you add water too the jar, as much ass you need to cover the seeds in the jar. Then cover the jar with a cheesecloth and rubber band and let sit for twenty-four hours. After the twenty-four hours drain out the water and rinse the seeds in the jar, while seeds are still in the jar covered by the cheesecloth. Once you have rinsed out the seeds in the jar make sure all the water is out of the jar or that will attract mold and mold will not make your sprouts taste good. Continue this until you see your sprouts sprout and enjoy.
This is one very basic sustainable way of agriculture. And I stress the word sustainable because the way agriculture is run today its not even called agriculture its industrial agriculture. And its industrial because humans do not run it anymore because they cannot run the farm fast enough to make a large profit off of the farm. So they use machines and pesticides to create the most revenue and that way of agriculture is good in the short run because of all the food it makes but it is not sustainable and eventually all the pesticides will be ineffective and there will be no more fuel for the machines and the earth will be ripped apart beyond repair.
Then again there is always a twist. Scientist are coming up with new ideas and ways to make food by changing genes in food to make them even with out planting. Having watermelon with out seeds and making other ridiculously strange new foods that only would be possible with the technology we have today. There is even a way to farm without dirt and its called hydroponic farming and most of the crops we eat to day are hydroponic crops. And there will be plenty more new and intriguing ideas to make food when we could all just go back to the beginning and plant our own crops and food and life would be oh so simple.

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