Wednesday, February 7, 2007

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Pasta one of my many Culinary Arts in the kitchen. I make pasta all of the time but I have never made pasta thinking in my head I am going to have to write everything I am thinking and doing after. So this was a first. I got my pot, filled with water. I got my pasta, spaghetti. I placed the pot on the stove and boiled the water. I had bet in class and I lost to Andy. The bet was adding salt to water when boiling will make the water boil slower but in fact it does not. My father who has cooked pasta with and with out salt claims that salt makes the water boil faster, the same concept can be applied to ice cube trays, when making ice cube trays you use hot water to add to the tray to freeze in the freezer. Back to the pasta. Everything when off with out a hitch. I made pasta garlic bread and some sauce. I don’t really like sauce but I sometimes add it when I have garlic bread.

1 comment:

Juggleandhope said...


Have you experimented with different types of noodles?

Were you joking about the hot water to the ice tray?

Do you ever toss the noodles in oil to prevent the air-hardening thing?