Monday, February 12, 2007

Revised Chicken Team

I have looked online to try to buy chickens but you can not buy them online I do not believe you can buy chickens. I think you need to have some connections to buy them I am really not too sure.

It seems to be the best chicken we can get for the class is the “Leghorn” it is a so called “egg machine” it lays eggs in the winter and it is very tolerant to confinement. It doesn’t fly and it they are not loud.

I had lunch at bravo pizzeria. I was freezing outside so everyone crowded indoors. Bravos I very small and the place you have to order at it right near the door so the door keeps opening letting in cold air all this cacaos just to order some pizza. Once we got to order our pizza they said they did not have any plain slices they have only what you can see. So I picked my second favorite plain Sicilian, I no big surprise. Waited till it was warm paid go my cup and walked to the soda machine after arguing for where we should sit we walked up the stairs to the second floor. Once we were up there we ate a talked about our day and how fucking cold is it outside. Everyone said that they hated the food. I personally didn’t mind it I was so hungry. I went threw my slices like they where water. Believe you me they didn’t taste good but I wasn’t hungry after that meal that is for sure.

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